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The Cape Town International Jazz Festival - Behind The Scenes

Cape Town International Jazz Festival is in its 15th year since its inception. Asanda Mcoyana, one of our writers, shares her experience behind the scenes.

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Five benefits of volunteering for a non-profit organisation

Volunteering carries huge benefits for both the organisation receiving the help and the individual who is lending a helpful hand. Here's how…

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5 Reasons to love Toyota

Toyota is a much loved brand of vehicle. Here's why…

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Joost's amazing off-road adventure

Joost Alferink is our client from the Netherlands. We had a chat with him to tell us about his exciting journey in celebration of his 50th birthday with 11 of his friends. The trip was by 6 4x4s, 5 of which were Drive South Africa rentals and one of their own. He was assisted by our rental […]

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How to deal with Mozambique Tourist Traps & Bribes

This article seeks to put at ease all Mozambique commuters, especially those driving from South Africa through the Mozambique border post.

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5 Reasons Cape Town is ideal for a family holiday

Cape Town is a great place for a family holiday – here's why…

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Keep your kids entertained during the 2014 holidays

Cape Town has a host of fun things to do in 2014 to ensure your child's school holidays are anything but boring.

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Around 7 Continents - A bicycle journey of a lifetime [Traveller Story by De Bruyn Joubert]

Around 7 Continents is a dream adventure by De Bruyn Joubert and Ulrich Walters who are travelling 85 000km around the world on their bicycles.

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Meet Pascale Wan-Fok King from our Facebook community

Pascale Wan-Fok King walks away with the Table Mountain and Cape Peninsula activities map from MapStudio.

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Road Tripping South Africa - An adventure map book [Book Review]

Road Tripping South Africa is an adventure map book that will tickle your adventure senses for every recommended road trip you embark on in South Africa. 

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