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Six scenic drives to go on in on your next South African road trip

Anyone who has ever visited this great country will agree that there are many countless roads and routes to explore that span from the coastal areas to the mountain passes. This is arguably why South Africa is so well known for having an extensive road trip culture that has its roots in exploration and discovery. […]

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Worthwhile South African towns to explore

This time around we are asking our experts what South African towns or cities they enjoy the most. This part of Southern Africa really is a road trip and travel feast. With so much variety and diversity, you will be out there on the roads in no time getting to experience everything this great country […]

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5 great tents to consider buying for your next camping trip

The great outdoors beckons and you’re ready to go out there on your ultimate camping trip. Camping is an awesome way to bond with friends and get closer to nature as the industrial world becomes more ingrained in humans and their living environments. However, camping is widely considered something that is only really enjoyed with […]

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5 secluded beaches to enjoy in South Africa

Everyone knows by now that South Africa is a spectacularly beautiful destination and most know that the country has great places to enjoy the outdoors, however, during certain times the beaches around the major coastal hubs (notably Cape Town and Durban) can become unbearably popular. That’s great if you want to feel the vibe of […]

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Hiking Cathedral Peak

Towering for 3004 metres, the Cathedral Peak is the highest free standing mountain in the Drakensberg. #TrekSouthAfrica’s lead photographer Rudolph de Girardier spent the day hiking this giant. Here’s his story. If you are looking to go on a adventure in the area, you might want to look into having some wheels to get around. […]

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Music festivals to road trip to in South Africa

Road tripping is always a good time to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. Road tripping to a music festival is even better as you know you’re about to experience remarkable live music in a beautiful natural setting by the mountains or near rivers or fields. South Africa, has some of the most […]

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Spring is near – 5 places to see beautiful plants and flora this Spring:

So spring has sprung and many South Africans are flocking to destinations where beautiful flowers and plants can be enjoyed in their entirety. The frost is starting to leave the bones and celebration is in the air as South Africa starts to experience, blue balmy days of breathtaking weather.

  • Flowers are blooming and with this many of the previously barren fields are now covered with interesting and colourful plants and flora. Now it’s just up to you to get out there and enjoy them.

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10 reasons why you should visit the Namaqua National Park this spring

South Africa’s Northern Cape province is home to the Namaqua National Park, a colourful spring destination to add to travel itinerary if you’re planning a South African self-drive safari.

  • Here are 10 reasons why you should visit the Namaqua National Park this spring.

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10 Art Galleries to Visit in South Africa

South Africa is splitting at the seams with inspiring voices in the arts sector, art galleries can be found all over the country from bustling epicenters of creativity in Johannesburg, Cape Town or Durban to smaller towns also doing their thing when it comes to producing great artists and spaces for art and creativity. 

South African culture is as diverse as it gets and its art is a clear reflection of this diversity.

Here are 10 galleries to visit on your next road trip through South Africa.

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Visitors guide – Flower Route, by Marion Whitehead and MapStudio

Spring is here and South Africa is blessed with some of the most picturesque destinations on the planet to witness fields and fields of blossoming flowers. The one issue is how one gets to all these locations and when is the optimal time to visit. This is also largely due to the diverse weather patterns […]

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