The Last Migration on Earth

The Wildebeest Migration is one of Earth’s greatest spectacles, taking place as the seasons change and wildebeest and zebras migrate between the Serengeti and the Masai Mara in search of greener pastures.

Crispian Abbott and the iKraal team put together this clip, shot in the Masai Mara, while on a Kenya safari over four days.

As immense, beautiful and, at times, tragic as the migration is, it is an incredibly sensitive cycle. Recently brought under threat by a proposed highway cutting its way through the World Heritage Site. We all hope the title of this clip isn’t indicative of its future. For more details on the contentious scheme and a place to make your voice heard see Save The Serengeti.

One of the many Kenya safaris will give you the opportunity to witness great spectacles such as this one.

If you want to go on your own adventure through Africa, you might want to have a look at 4×4 hire to find the best vehicle for your adventure.

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