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Vulture Rehabilitation Programme - Vulpro

Vulture Rehabilitation Programme is for wildlife lovers. They rescue threatened vultures and contribute to healthy human and vulture populations for generations to come.

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Vulture Rehabilitation Programme - Vulpro

Vulture Rehabilitation Programme is for wildlife lovers. They rescue threatened vultures and contribute to healthy human and vulture populations for generations to come.

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Conquering Namibia by 4x4 by Frederic Wathier

Frédéric Wathier tells us his Namibian story.

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AfrikaBurn Vehicle Guide [Updated 2023]

Planning on going to AfrikaBurn 2015? Here’s what you should know.

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5 Reasons to stop over for the Hermanus Whale Festival

The Two Oceans Hermanus Whale Festival is known as the only enviro-arts festival in South Africa. This year it will take place between 3 & 6 October. Here we give you five reasons why not to miss this festival. 

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Enjoy the simplicity of automatic transmission cars

When you are looking for a rental car, especially in a foreign country, you might want to opt for a vehicle with automatic transmission. Drive South Africa will offer you!

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Get the MapStudio Kenya and Tanzania Globetrotter Travel Maps [Book Review]

Add these Kenya & Tanzania maps to your Globetrotter Travel Maps collection. 

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World Scratch Map [Book Review]

New World Scratch Map from MapStudio is a fun, interactive scratch map ideal for both children and adults alike.

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New South African regulations for travelling with children

New regulations from Home Affairs. Parents travelling with children would now be requested to provide an unabridged birth certificate of all travelling children.

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Calorie-busting adventures in Cape Town

When in Cape Town, burning fat doesn't need to be boring. Add a dash of adventure to a fat-busting workout. Here's how…

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