On the road with #TrekSouthAfrica

The #TrekSouthAfrica team are on a six month journey travelling and exploring South Africa’s national parks, nature reserves and best attractions. Here are their highlights from the road for the past three months.

If you are interested in going on a 4×4 adventure here, but find yourself in need of a vehicle, you might want to consider 4×4 hire South Africa to find the perfect vehicle for your travel needs.

Elephants bathing in a waterhole in the Pilanesberg Game Reserve


Game drives in the Madikwe Private Game Reserve

Rock art in the Mapungubwe National Park


#TrekSouthAfrica’s Samuel Chevallier back-flips into a waterfall in the Mkhambathi Nature Reserve



A sunset time-lapse at Hole in the Wall in Transkei


Getting close to cheetah in the Mountain Zebra National Park


A sunset time-lapse from the Whale Tail Lookout Point in Plettenberg Bay



Hiking the Otter Trail in the Garden Route National Park



On the road with #TrekSouthAfrica


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