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Green Season: Sustainable New Year Resolutions You Should Put into Practice

This year we enter into an entirely new decade. Whether you love the chance to start fresh or are not too keen on it, New Year’s resolutions are a great way to change your habits, mindsets and goals.

Carpooling/lift sharing

Not only does carpooling reduce the strain on our planet’s oil resources and greenhouse gas emissions, but it can also save you money and ease traffic congestion. There are even social and emotional benefits to carpooling for those who need a morning pep talk or find driving stressful. If you’re renting a car, perhaps you should reach out to your colleagues or peers who are travelling to the same area and suggest carpooling.

Change your washing machine settings

It may surprise many people to learn that when we wash our clothes, plastic microfibres from synthetic materials such as polyester and nylon are released, and end up making their way to our oceans. To limit the number of microfibres released, you can change your washing machine to a cooler setting. This also saves energy!

Meat-Free Monday

Go meat-free just one day a week and help the planet. By reducing our meat consumption, we can help decrease greenhouse gas emissions, ease pressure on land use and even reduce pollution running out into our rivers and oceans. Meat-Free Monday is part of a global movement that encourages people to go meat-free one day a week. Visit the website for more information on meal plans, shopping guides, recipes and much more!

Avoid one-day deliveries

When ordering an item online, try to avoid one-day shipping where possible. For fast deliveries, companies may have to rush to meet the deadline by having more trips with less cargo, making a bigger environmental impact. However, for standard delivery, many companies will group parcels according to the area/ route of the driver, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fuel consumption.


Instead of throwing your leftover food in the bin, just to end up on a landfill site to rot and release methane into the atmosphere…how about creating a compost pile or bin? As well as helping the environment, it can also be used to enrich soils and suppress plant diseases, reducing the need for chemical fertilisers. For more information on ingredients and directions visit the Environmental Protection Agency website.

White Shark Projects

Shark cage diving in Gansbaai with White Shark Projects can provide you with a unique opportunity to witness the wonder of the Great White Shark in a safe and professional environment. 

Trees for Tomorrow

Since May 2008, more than 67 437 trees have been sponsored for planting at Platbos Forest. We invite you to become part of our Reforestation Project, plant a tree for tomorrow and give the gift of growth!

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