Ashley Kleinhans Vic Falls safari in pictures [Traveller story]

Meet Ashley Kleinhans from Pretoria, South AfricaAshley took a Zimbabwe 4×4 road trip with six family and friends to see the Victoria Falls in August last year. They travelled through Botswana and Zambia in a Toyota Landcruiser and a Landrover DefenderIn this short Q&A, she shares with us some of her favourite and funniest moments based on her Vic Falls safari experience. If these images are anything to go by, it’s clear to see Ashley and her family had fun.

If you too want an adventure like this, you can visit 4×4 hire to find the perfect vehicle to suit your needs on the adventure of a life time.

Ashley safely living life on the edge on her Vic Falls safari with family and friends with the help of a tour guide

Where did you travel to and with whom?

We collected our equipped Toyota Landcruiser station wagon and standard Landcruiser vehicles in Johannesburg and drove up to Zimbabwe through Botswana and Zambia. With my husband, Godfather and four of my Godfather’s friends from America.

Blue (in the green shirt) getting assistance to unpack luggage from one of the 4x4s on arrival at Matopus National Park

What inspired your journey to the Victoria Falls?

Other Americans going on safari.

Ashley’s family and friends from left: Waldo, Brian, Blue and Madeline posing for a group photo 
under the Chinhoyi Caves in Zimbabwe

What was your favourite stop and / or favourite thing you did during your safari?

Having lunch on Livingston Island at Victoria Falls.

Ashley’s family and friends gathering to get ready for lunch at Livingston Island on their Victoria Falls safari

What were your most memorable moments during your safari?

  • Hanging off the edge of Victoria Falls.
  • Hearing about monkeys breaking into the camp next door and getting hold of the flour and eggs! Then spending the next few days making sure they don’t do the same to us.
  • Finding a pot that was near cave drawings – it looks like it was made thousands of years ago.
  • Not having any electricity and using the vans on board (to) shower outside (at) the camp.
  • Getting over-run at the Zambian boarder and not knowing what to do or where to pay or who to trust and talk to.

Ashley in front of a colourful rainbow canvas at Zimbabwe Devil’s Pool, Victoria Waterfalls

What’s the most important thing to take with you on a journey like this?

Good friends and / or family.

From left – Ashley’s husband Waldo, Blue and Oceana just close to Cecil John Rhodes’ grave

Where would you like to go for your next holiday?

A beach in Zanzibar.

Please describe your Vic Falls safari to us in 3 words

Eye-opening, fun, worth it.

Ashley in the bush taking on a hiking trail at Matopos National Park

Caption the image below for us:

Victoria Falls experience, only in Africa will they let you do this

Ashley made use of a 4×4 rental and we could not be more blessed or honoured to have such an ambassador for wildlife appreciation.

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