Ready for AfrikaBurn?

AfrikaBurn Packing List
[Desert Daisies photo by Versionz]

As AfrikaBurn is a non-commercial creative arts and freedom of expression festival no goods can be purchased on the festival site. Therefore preparation is a must! Be smart and bring along the necessities:

No fountains in the desert:

  • Bring enough water for drinking, cooking and washing; advised is about 5 liters per person per day

No restaurants in the desert:

  • Think of enough food for your entire party for the entire stay

No hotels in the desert:

  • You need something to shelter you; bring a tent and preferably an open shade structure too

No doctors in the desert:

  • Have a first aid kid at hand

No electricity in the desert:

  • Bring torches and headlamps so you don’t trip at night.

No garbage collection in the desert:

  • Don’t destroy what you came to enjoy! Bring and use rubbish bags.

See you at AfrikaBurn, hopefully well prepared!

if you need a vehicle to get there, you might want to have a look at car rental South Africa for the best options to get you to this amazing festival. If you are already in the area and you would like to have the freedom to explore the area you are visiting independently, you might want to look into car hire Cape Town for the perfect set of wheels.

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