Not your Average Interview with Dawn Wallenkamp

This week we introduce you to Dawn Wallenkamp in a quick interview. Dawn is one of our August winners of a giant MapStudio South Africa road map.

If you want to go on your own adventure through Africa, you might want to have a look at 4×4 hire to find the best vehicle for your adventure.

Interview with Dawn Wallenkamp

Drive South Africa: Tell us a joke, any joke.

Dawn: Q: What do you get from a pampered cow? A: Spoiled milk

Drive South Africa: If you had to go on a road trip and needed to fit your whole family (and their luggage) into one vehicle, what type of vehicle would you need?

DawnVolkswagen Jetta. It’s got great boot space.

Drive South Africa: When you’re on holiday, what is the one thing you wouldn’t want to leave at home?

DawnMy camera.

Drive South Africa: What’s your favourite road trip song?

DawnAnything by FUN!

Drive South Africa: What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?

Dawn: I’d have to say Eastern Transvaal.

Drive South Africa: GPS or map?

Dawn: A map. I don’t own a GPS but it would probably be easier.

Drive South Africa: If there was a donkey in the road in front of you, what would you do?

Dawn: Brake!!!!

Drive South Africa: How long does it take you to pitch a tent?

DawnWay too long. I leave that to my husband.

Drive South Africa: If you had to pick one famous person to take on a road trip with you, who would you pick and why?

DawnBrad Pitt – just so that I can look at him.

Drive South Africa: What are the ingredients for your favourite potjie?

DawnMutton neck, vegetables, potatoes, onions and lots of spices.

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