Meet Rehana Seedat from our Facebook community

Rehana Seedat walks away with More Top Mountain Bike Trails adventure map book from MapStudio. In this interview, we get to know her better.

Rehana is our Facebook community winner for the month of November.

Drive South Africa: What’s your favorite joke?
Rehana Seedat: I was driving with my friend. We came to a red light and he speeds up and whips right through it. I start freaking out “Hey man, you’re going to get us killed!” He replies “Relax, my brother drives like this.” We come to another red light and he blazes right through. “You’re going to get arrested or get us killed!” “Relax this is how my brother drives.” We come to a green light he stops dead looking both ways. “Dude, it’s green you can go.” “Nah man, my brother might be coming the other way.”

Drive South Africa: If you had to go on a road trip and needed to fit your whole family (and their luggage) into one vehicle, what type of vehicle would you need?
Rehana Seedat: I would need a Land Rover.

Drive South Africa: When you’re on holiday, what is the one thing you wouldn’t want to leave at home?
Rehana Seedat: My cellphone.

Drive South Africa: What’s your favorite road trip song?
Rehana Seedat:  “Hit the Road Jack” by Ray Charles.

Drive South Africa: What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to?
Rehana Seedat: Mauritius.

Drive South Africa: GPS or map?
Rehana Seedat: GPS.

Drive South Africa: Camping or glamping?
Rehana Seedat: Camping.

Drive South Africa: On a road trip, do you prefer driving or being a passenger?
Rehana Seedat: Driving.

Drive South Africa: A holiday at the beach or a holiday by the waterfalls?
Rehana Seedat: A holiday at the beach.

Drive South Africa: If there was a donkey in the road in front of you, what would you do?
Rehana Seedat: Stop and allow the donkey to cross.

Drive South Africa: How long does it take you to pitch a tent?
Rehana Seedat: 5 minutes.

Drive South Africa: If you had to pick one famous person to take on a road trip with you, who would it be and why?
Rehana Seedat: Justin Bonella is the perfect company for a road trip – he loves to camp & braai.

Drive South Africa: What are the ingredients for your favorite potjie?
Rehana Seedat: Lamb potjie with carrots, sliced green beans, mushrooms, baby potatoes, and mielies.

If you want to go on your own adventure through Africa, you might want to have a look at 4×4 hire to find the best vehicle for your adventure.
If you want to go on your own adventure through Africa, you might want to have a look at 4×4 hire to find the best vehicle for your adventure.

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