25 Reasons why you should go on a Garden Route road trip

Blessed with one of the most beautiful coastlines South Africa have to offer and the many different vegetation’s you will come upon, The Garden Route is a must for anyone planning a South African holiday.

The Garden Route lies between Cape Town and Port Elizabeth. If you are planning to go on this trip, hire a car in Cape Town or Port Elizabeth today. South African Tourism recommends at least 4 days if you want to make the best of the scenery.

To give you an idea what the Garden Route has to offer, we looked on Instagram to find 25 reasons why you should go on a Garden Route trip.


Knysna by @craighowes

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A #journeythroughtheforest in #plettenbergbay by @mariellamoonstone

A photo posted by Garden Route (@gardenroute) on







Who would you share this with!? SUP in wilderness on the @gardenroute by @willem_dirk

A photo posted by Garden Route (@gardenroute) on



Keurboomstrand by @sharynhodges A truly wonderful capture Post selected by @deancothill

A photo posted by Garden Route (@gardenroute) on









Everyone loves are warm #plett @pletttourism from the locals. Photo by @sharynhodges

A photo posted by Garden Route (@gardenroute) on



Just love this capture by @andrewrmcdermott of #bloukransbridge

A photo posted by Garden Route (@gardenroute) on





TAG a friend with want to share this with in Sedgefield Photo by @rebecca_travels

A photo posted by Garden Route (@gardenroute) on



An incredible shot by @jaredhersch of Knysna by night…

A photo posted by Garden Route (@gardenroute) on



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