Nicól Grobler - Travel writer and explorer - Expert Q and A

Nicól  Grobler is a traveler like no other, a Cape Town loyalist however now living in Johannesburg and recently appointed as the digital editor for popular lifestyle and travel magazine, SA Country Life. She has been over the world including Zanzibar in Tanzania and pivotal locations in South East Asia such as Thailand or Malaysia. We caught up with the passionate traveler to ask her a few questions on why she loves to travel so much.

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Check out Nicol and SA Country Life online:

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Twitter: @SACLMag
Facebook: @SA Country Life

Please can you give me your name, age and what you do for a living?

Nicòl Grobler, 28, Digital Editor for Country Life Magazine

I noticed you have been living in Tanzania? What others countries have you lived in and how important is travel to you?

Yes, I was living in Zanzibar. I’ve also lived in Bali, Thailand and out at sea while working on ships and yachts. I don’t think I could live without exploring the world.

What advice would you give those who have never really traveled before but want to but are scared of getting on the road for various reasons?

To be honest, buckle up and hit the road, be safe and plan it if necessary. I just jump right in, but I’m spontaneous. If you’re not willing to take a risk, shhh, and sit back down then.

What is your favorite South African destination?

Camping in Tietiesbaai, West Coast

Photo by Bothar at English Wikipedia [Public domain], via Wikimedia 

What is your favorite international one?

I love Malaysia

What travel advice would you give someone traveling to South Africa for the first time?

Don’t be flashy, never roam alone

Beach or mountains?

I grew up with both, so that’s tough… I guess if there were a river and a waterfall, mountains.

What is your ideal South African weekend getaway?

Going to find animals at a Nature Reserve… any one will do.

Favorite South African city?

It was always Cape Town, but I’m starting to lean towards Johannesburg.

What is next on your travel bucket list?

I’m thinking somewhere in Central America or Spain.

If there is anything you would like to add please do?

Travel forever, never sit still; We are only as open-minded as our experiences and challenges.

Photo by - By Chen Hualin (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (httpcreativecommons.orglicensesby-sa3.0) or GFDL (httpwww.gnu.orgcopyleftfdl.html)], via Wikimedia Commons


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