From South Africa to Egypt: A 140-Day Motorcycle Expedition Across East Africa

The Ultimate Motorcycle Trip Adventure

From South Africa to Egypt: A 140-Day Motorcycle Expedition Across East Africa

Map Itinerary Video Photos

Road Trip Highlights

Südafrika, Namibia, Sambia, Botsuana, Malawi, Tansania, Kenia, Äthiopien, Sudan, Ägypten


140 days

19292 km

  • Embarking on a 140-day, 19292-kilometre journey across ten countries in East Africa.
  • Experiencing the diverse cultures, landscapes, and people of South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Botswana, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt.
  • Overcoming various challenges and embracing the hardships faced during the journey.
  • Discovering the “jewel of Africa” and gaining a deeper understanding of its people and culture.
  • Nurturing a passion for motorcycling while traversing through the diverse terrains of East Africa.
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Author Bio

Altus Ehlers Altus EhlersSüdafrika FlagSüdafrika

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Road Trip Map

Road Trip Itinerary

Activities Kms Stay
Day 1-20 Begin the East Africa Motorcycle Adventure in South Africa. Explore the culture, people, and landscapes of the country. 757 South Africa
Day 21-40 Continue the journey into Namibia, experiencing its unique landscapes and culture. 1238 Namibia
Day 41-60 Travel through Zambia and Botswana, immersing in the local culture and natural beauty. 2283 Zambia
Day 61-80 Venture into Malawi and Tanzania, exploring the local culture, people, and landscapes. 1707 Tanzania
Day 81-100 Continue the adventure in Kenya and Ethiopia, experiencing the diverse cultures and landscapes. 1051 Kenya
Day 101-120 Travel through Sudan, experiencing its unique culture and landscapes. 2768 Sudan
Day 121-140 Conclude the journey in Egypt, exploring its rich history, culture, and landscapes. 1824 Egypt

Road Trip Video

Photo Gallery

East Africa Motorcycle Journey | Photo Credits - Altus Ehlers
East Africa Motorcycle Journey | Photo Credits - Altus Ehlers
East Africa Motorcycle Journey | Photo Credits - Altus Ehlers
East Africa Motorcycle Journey | Photo Credits - Altus Ehlers
East Africa Motorcycle Journey | Photo Credits - Altus Ehlers
East Africa Motorcycle Journey | Photo Credits - Altus Ehlers
East Africa Motorcycle Journey | Photo Credits - Altus Ehlers
East Africa Motorcycle Journey | Photo Credits - Altus Ehlers
East Africa Motorcycle Journey | Photo Credits - Altus Ehlers
East Africa Motorcycle Journey | Photo Credits - Altus Ehlers
East Africa Motorcycle Journey | Photo Credits - Altus Ehlers
East Africa Motorcycle Journey | Photo Credits - Altus Ehlers
East Africa Motorcycle Journey | Photo Credits - Altus Ehlers
East Africa Motorcycle Journey | Photo Credits - Altus Ehlers
East Africa Motorcycle Journey | Photo Credits - Altus Ehlers
East Africa Motorcycle Journey | Photo Credits - Altus Ehlers

All images copyright Altus Ehlers (unless indicated otherwise).