Turn Up for the Official 2025 Suzuki Jimny Gathering
The Suzuki Jimny Gathering returns in 2025 for its second official event, bringing South African...
Pascale Wan-Fok King is one of three winners from our Facebook community. She walks away with the Table Mountain and the Cape Peninsula activities map from MapStudio. We get to know her better in this interview.
Pascale Wan-Fok King: January Winner
Drive South Africa: If you had to go on a road trip and needed to fit your whole family (and their luggage) into one vehicle, what type of vehicle would you need?
Pascale Wan-Fok King: Honda- very spacious, comfy, economical and safe.
Drive South Africa: When you’re on holiday, what is the one thing you wouldn’t want to leave at home?
Pascale Wan-Fok King: My camera
Drive South Africa: What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to?
Pascale Wan-Fok King: Too many places in mind and yet am sure there is a lot more to see.
Drive South Africa: GPS or map?
Pascale Wan-Fok King: Both but if I had to choose it will be Map.
Drive South Africa: Camping or glamping?
Pascale Wan-Fok King: Glamping is very tempting but I love camping
Drive South Africa: On a road trip, do you prefer driving or being a passenger?
Pascale Wan-Fok King: I enjoy driving but I don’t mind being a passenger on a road trip and enjoying the beautiful landscaping.
Drive South Africa: A holiday at the beach or a holiday at the river?
Pascale Wan-Fok King: I am an island girl so definitely sun, sand, sea, and beach.
Drive South Africa: If there was a donkey in the road in front of you, what would you do?
Pascale Wan-Fok King: Can definitely make use of a picture of me and Mr. Donkey.
Drive South Africa: How long does it take you to pitch a tent?
Pascale Wan-Fok King: That would be a fun challenge. All depends on how big the tent is 🙂 and if ever there are little helpers around.
Drive South Africa: What are the ingredients for your favorite potjie?
Pascale Wan-Fok King: Any meat, lots of veggies but not a fan of fruits in there and of course don’t forget the chili to spice it up.