The All-New Renault Duster is Here
After a two-year absence from the South African market, the mighty Renault Duster is back...
Above: Hannes Lochner enjoying a night out while working.
This week we interviewed Hannes Lochner, a born and raised Capetonian turned wildlife photographer and found out a little bit more about his ever-increasing passion for wildlife photography. How he got started, his favourite location to shoot and his reason for becoming part of the safari photography scene.
I went full-time in 2007 after it took me at least fifteen years to be at the right place, on the right time to in my life. Wildlife photography is a very difficult market to get into, especially when it comes to the digital market.
Above: A ‘Meerkat’ on the lookout for danger, this one took it a bit further to cover his eyes from the sun.
I’d have to say that wildlife and nature orientated photography really appeal to me, it’s the reason why I do what I do.
Above: A female leopard out and about in Transfrontier Park, South Africa.
A lot of my inspiration comes from the people closest to me, like my friends, family and of course my girlfriend, Noa!
Above: A leopard scratching an itch in Transfrontier Park, South Africa.
Not as of yet, there are a few that are close to my heart, but I still need to take that photo that I feel would be uniquely associated with me, but at the same time I kind of hope it does not happen too soon, otherwise you lose a little magic searching for your dream shot… I don’t think I’ll ever have that unique shot only associated with me .
Above: A couple of lionesses licking the water of each other’s backs after a heavy downpour.
I’d like to say yes, but to be honest, not really. That’s what long lenses are there for I guess; to keep your distance and stay safe. A person always searches for fresh ideas, and sometimes things can get too close for comfort, but mostly I keep a safe distance, I’d like to keep on doing what I do for a very long time.
Above: A leopard and yellow cobra unexpectedly crossing paths.
That’s a difficult question to answer, but if I had to choose one it would probably be the Kalahari Desert, in Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park.
Above: A lion leaving a tree after a long night.
Above: A lion resting during a thunder storm.
Yes, Adobe Lightroom is my program of choice when editing my work.
Above: A lion noticing that someone is indeed watching him.
Well, I’d have to say my bank manager; my accounts are always empty and it’s a great way to earn an steady income.
Above: A crocodile enjoying an afternoon lunch in the rivers of the Transfrontier Park, South Africa.
Probably “What do you feed the hippos in Africa?” , that question really caught me off guard.
Above: The cover of ‘The Dark Side of the Kalahari’, Hannes Lochner’s third book, out in mid-2013.
If you enjoyed the images included in this interview, you’re welcome to go and view the website for The Dark Side of the Kalahari, the third (and latest) addition to Hannes Lochner’s book collection.